This is our new home. As you can see we are in the process of building it and so far we have the walls and the roof. We are working hard on customizing and upgrading this site so please check back often.

Lakeshore Repeater Association has been organized since 1975. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable corporation dedicated to providing local area Hams in SE WI and NE IL with excellent repeater coverage on both analog and digital DMR modes.
Our dual band transmitter antenna standoff is at 380 feet for 2m and 70cm analog/DMR digital repeaters. 3 Repeaters are maintained at our main site in Racine with a receiving antenna topping the tower at 465 feet. 2 analog and 1 DMR digital.

Our analog repeaters are 2m 147.270 + .6 PL 127.3 and our 70cm is 442.000 + 5 MHz PL 79.7. Our DMR digital dual voice capacity time slot repeater is connected to the Chicago Land C-bridge Network with Ham radio contacts and talk groups to be accessed and heard from all over the world! Set your radio to 440.00625MHz + 5MHz using Color Code 9. Our primary talk group is WI State 3155 on time slot one. Active full time. See our DMR Sites page for more details on DMR.
Both analog repeaters are accessible via Allstar. The UHF repeater node is 511681. The VHF repeater is node 511680.